an evolving resource for novice gardeners at Cheeryville

Saturday, 21 February 2015

growing cuttings

Late winter/ early spring is a good time to start cuttings 
(clones, in WestCoast speak) of many woody plants.
This is Sarcococca, a wonderful, hardy small shrub that 
sprouts fragrant flowers December thru February.

 ^^select shoots 15 to 20 cm or 6 to 8 inches
 ^^strip the lower leaves and trim to 15 cm or 6 inches
 ^^dust with rooting hormone
 ^^insert the bare stems in fresh potting soil, pat soil gently to fill holes
^^labels help, even if you spell the name wrong. Add the date.
 ^^water and leave outside for a few months

Thursday, 12 February 2015

pot bound

^^after five years in this pot it was time to divide the bamboo

^^the roots and shoots are tough; you will need a sharp spade to split the root ball
^^now good for another few years